Dental Rehabilitation: Multiple Crowns at the Same Time

  • It will take time to adjust to the feel of your new teeth. When the bite or position of the teeth is altered it takes several days for the brain to recognize the new position and thickness as normal. If you detect any high spots or problems with your bite, call our office so we can schedule an adjustment appointment.
  • Other signs the bite might be wrong:
  1. Sensitivity that begins after eating or when you wake that subsides as time passes
  2. A zing through the tooth when you bite on something or squeeze your teeth together
  3. Cold/Hot sensitivity that increases as time passes
  • It is normal to experience some hot and cold sensitivity after removal of tooth structure so your teeth may be sensitive for a week or so. Your gums may also be sore and require good hygiene during the healing process. Warm salt water rinses (just enough salt to tastes, it does not need to be strong) throughout the day will reduce discomfort and swelling.  A mild pain medication (one tablet of Tylenol or Ibuprofen (Motrin) every 3-4 hours) should ease any residual discomfort.
  • Don’t be concerned if your speech is affected for the first few days. You’ll quickly adapt and begin speaking normally. You may notice increased salivation. This is because your brain is responding to the new size and shape of your teeth. This should subside to normal in about a week.
  • Daily brushing and flossing is a must. The healthier your gums are when we see you for your seat appointment, the easier it will be. Use a Waterpik with half peroxide, half water and ONE DROP of antibacterial soap to clean the gums around your temporaries. You will be unable to floss between the teeth during your temporary wear. Once your final restorations are placed you will be able to care for them as you did before your new smile.
  • Any food that can crack, chip or damage a natural tooth can do the same to your new teeth. Avoid hard foods and substances (such as beer nuts, peanut brittle, ice, fingernails, or pencils) and sticky candies. Minimize or avoid foods that stain such as coffee, red wine, tea and berries. Tobacco use will also cause your new teeth to stain.
  • Adjusting to the look and feel of your new smile will take time. If you have any problems or concerns, please let us know. We always welcome your questions.