Babies & Toddlers

Although your baby’s first tooth typically won’t come in for a few more months, it is important not to ignore your baby’s oral health.

  • Wipe your baby’s gums with a soft, clean cloth after each feeding to clear her mouth of bacteria
  • Toothpaste isn’t necessary–or recommended–for a few years, but if you choose that route, opt for fluoride-free training toothpaste
  • When your baby’s first teeth debut, try teething rings, a cool spoon, a pacifier or a cold, wet washcloth to help ease discomfort
  • Once your baby’s first tooth comes in, it’s time to thinking about his first appointment with us
  • Avoid cleaning your baby’s binkies off in your mouth and try not to share utensils. Our mouths are filled with bacteria.
  • Try filling your baby’s bottle with water at naptime (prolonged exposure to sugar from milk and juice can cause tooth decay)
  • Flossing should start as soon as your child has enough teeth to floss between